
Airline Editorial

Technology has now trickled into airline travel. Impersonal contact is to be expected yet the same contact and "customer service" has been the recent experience. Needless to say, one airline with vowels for initials along with one other has displayed this level of the Department of Motor Vehicles of 5 years ago. Oh yes, that is a government agency. Airlines are a business with expectations that should be met in areas of simple humanity.

The only one this column, along with J.D.Power and Associates, is JetBlue. Other airlines cannot be attested as they have not been flown....yet. Time will tell.


August 27, 2010

A social media trending topic has led to discussions with friends on Twitter and CNN. The new Mosque built on the towers site has led to hate acts. The decision to build it had it's political roots. It no doubt stemmedfrom the hope of peace ala Ghandi. Violence begets violence.

Violence and bigotry stem from fear and stereotyping. Understanding underlying motivations are important. To quote my response to my friend:

"Don't get me wrong. Just because I understand or can see issues from different perspectives does NOT mean I excuse or agree to look the other way. Ever. I am civil and appear nice and empathetic but I do not keep quiet or condone behavior like that. It's the root of all genocide from Hitler to Darfur etc. Understanding something is the only way to change it...if possible."

The sad lesson is that until people can learn to see and evaluate individuals without compartmentalizing and stereotyping, change will never happen... on either end.


These are to follow. Some published previously, and the remainder will take on column form. Name ideas?? Help a gal out people.

I should mention the first will be unsuitable for some faint of heart. The second may be presented here or Via other Social Media. While the third was written as a column springboard. It is based on Scott Statten's new "The Unbook" coming soon. Twitter users know his philosophy and will purchase the book asap as I did (currently preordered through Amazon:)

This section will be moved at a later date (you'll see why). To be continued... Seriously people ideas for the column name?

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