Writing Discussion and Tips

Writing has it's difficulties and various approaches. Talk to a dozen writers and approaches, tips, suggestions will be half or more in number. I recently spoke to two fellow writers with books soon-to-be released (buy them!). My problem is similar to many. I procrastinated, have a busy life and generally get in my own way.

George (@GPwriter on Twitter) suggested a book: "Right to Write" which should be interesting! Also helpful is the encouragement. I've said it before but my Twitter friends, both writers and non-writers, have proven time and again how amazing they are as well as the fact that THEY ROCK! Wish me luck;)


The Future of Publishing

Two for one discussion. In previous blog the recurring discussions circled back to the future of Publishing. Essentially, digital media vs. print. Most news is received electronically but to quote @unmarketing, "Publishing is where the music business was years ago."

This made sense! There are remaining cassettes which evolved into CDs as iTunes and the like provided digitally downloadable music. Both remain. Similarly publishing has arrived at this crux. Adapt and compromise or die a heroes death on dusty shelves and libraries.

Writer's Workshop

Today I'd like to launch Writer's Workshop. In my experience, it works. The process follows shared pieces of writing in a small group. These are reviewed by the other members as one positive (be it voice, story, plot etc) is highlighted as a strength and a constructive piece of criticism or question for clarification from a reader's perspective is offered. Trust and respect is essential for participation.

Pieces can be examined through social media ether for enticement, criticism or just plain fun of it! The Social Media vs Future of Print Publishing has been a continuous debate in this and other blogs but will be reserved for the Articles Tab! Thoughts?


Writing has always been a passion which fear and duty have kept in check on my behalf. Worst of all, I allowed it. What is the most difficult aspect of writing to you? Any writing, be it technical, a novel, report or poem? Whatever.